Welcome to InstallerStore.com

Thank you for visiting InstallerStore, where we sell everything but the floor.

Choose from hundreds of Floor Registers and Wall Vents, Floor Cleaners, Flooring Protection, Colored Caulk and much more!

We are dedicated to providing you with a wide variety of flooring-related products. Get high quality options at affordable prices delivered to your doorstep.

Whether you are looking for Furniture Feet ProtectorsFloor Repair Tools or Miscellaneous Cleaning Supplies, we have you covered!

Our floor registers and grilles are available in many styles, sizes and finishes. Select from MetalWood or Plastic Vents in traditional or decorative designs. We offer standard and custom sizes so you can find exactly what you need for your home or business.

Check out our Browse by Size feature and FAQs to make your shopping experience easier and more enjoyable than ever!

Order your floor or wall vent by the size of the hole opening and not the faceplate dimensions. Check out our new How to Measure Registers and Grilles page on FloorRegisters-n-Vents.com for even more details.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions! Call us at 866-258-1554 or email Sales@InstallerStore.com.

Customer Support and Live Chat are available 8AM-5PM CST, Monday through Friday. Order today for low cost shipping!


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